English for Healthcare

Welcome to English for Healthcare Professionals

Your gateway to specialized language courses for healthcare, pharmaceutical, and biotech professionals.

Professional Communication in Healthcare

Prendoco offers a range of bespoke language solutions for professionals and businesses working in the healthcare sector.

Our main focus is providing courses that strengthen English language skills so thar businesspeople and care-givers in Healthcare, Pharma and Biotech have the confidence and knowledge level they need.


Advanced Learning Strategy Employing AI

Flexible Timetables To Fit Your Staff

Totally Bespoke Courses Every Time

Some key courses we can teach


Foundations of Medical Terminology

Writing Patient Reports

Effective Communication with Patients and Families

Advanced Medical Terminology and Specialised Vocabulary

Presentation Skills for Healthcare Professionals


Basic Communication Skills in Healthcare

Email Etiquette and Professional Correspondence

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Research Papers and Academic Writing in Healthcare

Navigating Diversity in the Healthcare Workplace

One of our new courses in detail

English for pharmaceutical and biotech professionals (20hrs)
(Minimum A2 level of English Required)

Welcome to “English for Pharmaceutical and Biotech Professionals,” a comprehensive 10-week (20hr) course tailored for foreign speakers of English at the A2 level and above. In this course, we merge language proficiency development with the specific skills needed to excel in the dynamic and complex field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

Course overview

As professionals in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors, effective communication is paramount. This course is designed to empower you with the language skills necessary to navigate the intricacies of these industries confidently. From basic industry vocabulary to advanced technical language, we will guide you through a progressive journey that integrates language proficiency with real-world applications.

What to expect


Our approach combines interactive sessions, case studies, presentation practice and roleplays to provide you with a holistic learning experience. Expect a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on applications to ensure that you are not only proficient in English but also well-equipped to excel in your professional environment.

Final Project

Cap off the course with a practical application of your newly acquired skills. The final project allows you to delve into a relevant industry topic, applying your language and industry knowledge to present a comprehensive project that reflects your growth throughout the course.

Embark on this journey with us as we unlock the language and skills essential for success in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Let’s build the foundations for effective communication, career advancement, and professional excellence together.

Welcome to “English for Pharmaceutical and Biotech Professionals” – where language meets industry expertise!


For more information about this and other related courses please contact us and tell us more about your particular needs!

Read our latest blogpost

The vital role of effective English for doctors.

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, effective communication is at the core of successful patient care. One aspect that cannot be overstated is the importance of doctors mastering the English language to ensure seamless interactions with patients and their families. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of “effective English for doctors” and how it plays a pivotal role in fostering meaningful connections with patients and their families.

Tell us what you need

Made to measure

Remember that these are suggested ideas. You can customise the content, duration and structure of each course to meet the unique needs of your clients. Offering a tailored format ensures that your clients receive learning experiences that meet their specific requirements and objectives.

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Prendoco. Oliva (Valencia) SPAIN. info@prendoco.com

Website by Omnis Creates

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